The Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children will launch a series of sixteen online Public Service Announcements over the course of the sixteen days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign. The online PSA’s produced by Facilitator Films will create awareness and draw public attention to the Centre's educational toolkits Neighbours, Friends & Families and Make It Our Business. Both campaigns include dramatisations that were also produced by Facilitator Films and directed by Alan Powell who also directed all sixteen PSA's. The focus of the PSAs is on the emotional and psychological journey that one experiences when faced with the dilemma of whether or not they should ‘interfere’ in someone’s ‘private affairs’ and the challenge of having to report it even though they feel adverse to doing so.
From 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day, the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign is a time to galvanize action to end violence against women and girls around the world. The international campaign originated from the first Women's Global Leadership Institute coordinated by the Center for Women's Global Leadership in 1991.
Click here to watch all Make it Our Business PSA's.
To watch all Neighbours, Friends & Families PSA's click below: