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PAMA Actor Well-being Panel  (5 min. excerpt)

This clip from Interventions in the Acting Process: Supporting Resilience & Vulnerability in Rehearsal & Performance explains a bit of my personal journey and why I developed Actor Care. 


Conference Presentation (15 min.)

This presentation, based on my paper Cornerstones of ACES (now known as Actor Care® ) was given at the International Association of  Group Psychotherapy & Group Processes conference (Italy), the Australian Society for Performing Arts Healthcare conference and,  the Musicians & Performing Artists' Health and Performance conference (Norway). 


Conference Presentation (6:40 min.)

This Pecha Kucha presentation, based on my paper Cornerstones of ACES (now known as Actor Care® ) was  given at the Association for Theatre in Higher Education in the USA. It was adapted from a longer presentation that was given at the International Association of  Group Psychotherapy & Group Processes conference (Italy), the Australian Society for Performing Arts Healthcare conference and,  the Musicians & Performing Artists' Health and Performance conference (Norway). 


Actor Care & Your Production (2:40 min.)

Stage/film & TV production have a responsibility to ensuring their actors mental health is a priority during production. This video briefly explains the function and the need that Actor Care fills in maintaining the mental well being of actors immersed in dark/complex character portrayals.

Actor Care & Your Clients (2 min.)

Talent Agents and Managers have a responsibility to ensuring their clients are entering  healthy working environments. Actor Care is a much needed service that has long been absent and that actor’s are saying a huge YES to! This 2 min video briefly explains the function and the need that Actor Care fills in stage/film & TV production. 

Creating Brave Spaces Panel (90 min.)

Presented by the Association of Acting Coaches & Educators (AACE) this panel speaks to the need to address boundaries and consent not only in intimacy work but in the actor's psychological and emotional space as well. Safe spaces are brave spaces and brave spaces lead to courageous work.


Emotion Regulation in the Acting Process (44 min.)

For the actor in training, there is no shortage of acting techniques. There is a shortage however of methods for safely accessing and regulating emotion in the process of Character development. This informal panel explores 3 such methods; Actor Care®, Inscaping, and Emotional Fluency Training for Actors.

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